Eyes Open

“I loved OUTCRY this year,” he said, “but I just think it was too produced for a worship event. Just too much.” Have you ever had a log-jam of thoughts? So many things flying through your brain that you end up saying nothing? Or just frowning and nodding like an idiot? That was me that day. […]

Church Leaders Gathering

OUTCRY began with—and continues to have—a heart for the local church. From the beginning of the tour our desire was to remind those in the church that they are part of the greatest movement on earth. The bride of Christ is not dying, nor is she in decline. Her greatest days are ahead! This is […]

Don’t. Give. Up.

I was standing side-stage, watching the night like I had many times before. As I was leaning against the short wall separating the stage from the seats, I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around, I was met by the face of a man in his late thirties. He began speaking, but […]

He Died for Us

We have all heard about Jesus’s sacrifice for us individually. That he died on the cross to take our sins on himself. That he received the correction and punishment due to us so that we can walk in freedom. We have been saved from the death that sin produces so we can stand alive in his […]

OC17 Design

Design and art has been the creative central piece of OUTCRY. Each year we explore the art and visuals before anything else. As a graphic designer, it’s always been a labor of love each year we roll out our next tour. Pouring over inspiration. Going back to why we do OUTCRY to keep the art in line with […]


In the book of John, Jesus doesn’t simply pray for the disciples. He also prays for all of those who will come after them. He prays for us. You and I right now. And his prayer is that we would be “one” in the same way that he and the Father are one. My prayer […]

OUTCRY 2016 Is on the Way

Standing in front of a crowd of 10,000 in St Louis it hit me that our dream had come true. After years of praying and dreaming OUTCRY was off of the ground. And our first year was incredible. Our tour traveled almost 8,000 miles to 12 cities. We had 130,000 in attendance our first year. […]